Friday, April 30, 2010

Share , coz We Care(339)

Dilemmas fill our life
But we keep learning how to strive
Sooner or later the troubles mount so high
That you decide to resign
This is the hour indeed
When stupid friends advices you need to heed
You think you can take a refuge
Hide somewhere hoping the time purge
But remember alone you will never heal
and next time when the same thing u feel
You try to escape and will not be strong enough to deal
With the problem that is real
When you’re troubled you won’t like
Even the best things that passes by
You won’t see what you need
Your wants will blinden your deed
You will get your self in more trouble
And curse the fate for being inequitable
What can the poor lady luck decide
When your taking long wrong strides
Walking a path of destruction
Why not hold hands to be pulled for resurrection
These hands belong to friends
Who laugh, cry and share all ends
You say you are irritated
But when asked y? you are silent
You say you r pissed
But y? silence again
Silence in you causes pain
To those who care in amounts insane
Don’t you see your sadness cloud the eyes
Of each who feels the pain inside
You think hiding your feeling might be a key
But how will you manage it to hide it from me
I know u well , I know u fine
Every lie u say to hide
Will burn this heart of mine
So don’t think twice and share your hitch
And I promise never to ditch
don’t say ‘leave It’
Because as naruto says believe it
I am not the one to yield
Will be there next to you on the field
Trying to help you evade all pain
I will push you to a plane
Where there is only joy
Where we can together enjoy
The ideal dream world we want
Away from the nightmares that haunt
The happiness away from our lives.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Worst Death.....(633)

Death as we know,is just another word that means end of a life. It is generally accompanied with lot of sad faces, hysterical sobs and close people trying to remember the GOOD OLD TIMES. But death generally is not limited to a person or a living being dying. It has a wider meaning. Death also stands for end of time.

Whenever anything ends, it brings about same reaction among people as loosing a close thing would bring. They miss the thing that's ended, they cry about the fun times they had, Laugh at the tough times. The prime example of this would be our own college life. Till we were in College , we wanted to get out of it. But now that we are out of it, most of us want to be back there. Whenever a bunch of us meet , we invariably end up reminiscing the awesome time we had in college , the drunk nights and specially all the time we wasted trying to take someone else's case.

Death is not just restricted to end of time or life. Even emotions can die. That's how we come across a cold blooded person. A cold blooded person is basically someone who does not have any emotions , or basically all his emotions have died. ( Where i am concerned generally almost everyone reading this becomes cold blooded :-( .)Death of all emotions sounds bad, but there actually exists a worse death.

Death of Hope. Hope, the only good thing that came out of the Pandora's box. The one thing that keeps us moving forward ,even though we are having worst times. Now imagine this hope dying. I am sure, most of us at some point have lost hope in something or the other. If you have , than you must have realized loosing hope , is just like loosing your way in a maze. Once you loose hope, no matter how much you try you will not be able to get out of the maze or get success in what you are doing. Hope has a direct bond with Will, If you loose hope than you don't see a point in applying will and hence loose interest in whatever chances of achieving the goal,you had.

Death of hope can have a lot of side effects. Because unlike other deaths only the knows what they have lost, and at times even they are not sure if you have actually lost something important. Once people loose hope, it is followed by death of lot of other things, starting from will to achieve. They start shying off from their duties. They loose interest in relationships , friendship. They hope to take a time out from life which makes the burden of loosing hope worse. Crowded by the clouds of despair, people end up doing things they actually never intended to, things that they think will help them but actually the things that end up screwing them over and over again.

Let us all go back and reflect at the Pandora's box. Of a million evils that came out, there came along hope. This hope should not be allowed to die. There are always times when you feel like giving up on something. Loosing faith in your capabilities. These are the times when you see hope fading away. These are the times when you need to sit and muster all your strength and will , to keep that hope alive. If you are lacking the will , take help and advice from friends and family. And if you see your friends letting their hope in something die, than step in without thinking and, in mota's word "2 thaapad maroo , sab kuch theek ho jayega" . Well that's the easiest way to bring back someone to senses.

Ps: please hope for things that can happen.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Poison ivy in Us…

Poison ivy, Dictionary Meaning: vine causing itching rash

Well, only the writers of Dc comics will be able to tell us , what came to their minds when they created a villainess out of a poor plant. Perhaps one of the most scientifically advanced , super mutated villainess. And obviously she was hot. As her abilities grew , she developed a special skill “Kiss of the death” . As the name suggests whoever was kissed by voluptuous ivy dies.

Ivy was literally able to control people with weak mind using her odor. In fact she almost managed to captivate everyone apart from Batman , Superman included(another proof as to why superman sucks, smelled a woman and became her bodyguard)into doing her bidding.

What is special about ivy is that she wasn’t evil or mutated by birth. In fact she was rich and naïve. Thanks to her bio-tech professor’s experiments, she got mutated. And through the series , it was seen that there were lot of time poor girl tried to reform , but either some people of her own league asked for her assistance or the community forced her to be vengeful.

This brings us to notice an important aspect of our own life. We all started like innocent kids(at least most of us). Than we reached college and were given the freedom we never had at home. We met seniors who helped us grow(mutation). Studies took a back seat. Late night football. As per Shaleen’s own words “ we have become the people our parents asked us not to hang out with”. There were times when one or another of us realized that we needed to focus. But as ivy was approached by Clayface and Dr Freeze , our own pals came to us and brought us back to the so called “injustice league” . We stuck together doing things that have been considered wrong by institute. Which includes things from staying out of institute till 3 in night(KLPD night) , breaking roses from rose garden or playing cricket in lobby. Oh I forgot to mention ragging.And towards the end even girls defying the end time(staying at my place or in town) for night outs.Boozing throughout the night and at times even before an exam. Most of these things were for purpose of fun.

Once upon a time Ivy took a small inhabited island , changed it using her abilities to a garden. But before she started living happily , a research company from Gotham came over and destroyed the place because they needed the land, forcing her to be vengeful again. Even we have been through this. The system hurt us with rules like 70% attendence ,extra classes. Forcing us to be vengeful , making us break rules. Proxys and bunking classes became a second nature to us. I remember spending full days in canteen , doing absolutely nothing. I doubt anyone ever attended 8 am lectures on time.

In another appearance ivy was manipulated by Riddler. I am sure that at some point of time we have been in both ivy’s place and in the place of Riddler. Manipulation to such an extent that none of us can ever stand up and say “it wasn’t my fault” . All of HIV will remember nunny’s message to smaran saying “I Love u”. For one ,Gogi tried to make, an ivy out of all of us, when it came down to him and D. But even Poison ivy managed to escape from the control of riddler and so did we.

I have a world of examples , but I will leave it for sometime else , just in case Gogi comes up with another IDEA to molest my writing skills.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

If i have wings, why should i walk?

A penguin might ask this to it’s mother just after being born. I guess the mother would explain there wings are for swimming. Also since penguins generally don’t meet any other birds apart from arctic tern , I doubt little penguins have a lot to compare. Chicken on the other hand teaches it’s chicks to fly,but just little. Ostrich might explain that flying is for birds that are small and cannot protect themselves. But i doubt this a question asked by birds.

Once upon a time , there was an inventor named Dedalus (designed labyrinth ). He was imprisoned when Thesus escaped from the maze. Dedalus designed waxed wings for his son and himself to fly and escape from the prison. During the escape the naïve son, Icarus decided to enjoy the flight and flew high, as he reached closer to sun the wax melted and Icarus fell . A similar story in hindu mythology is is about Jatayu(vulture who tried to save sita when Ravan was abducting her) and his brother. The brothers used to have competition to see ,who could fly higher. Once Jatayu ended to close to sun , but the elder brother covered him using his own wings , in process burning his own wings and living flightless for rest of his life.

All of us have different talents. Talents which we once thought will make us the star of the world. We dreamt to be the best. But yet , most of us ended up choosing a path no way related to our talents. 3 Idiots displayed brilliantly that if you have a talent , you should follow a career which is related to that talent and you would meet success. The Alchemist, is a story about a man leaving everything and following his dreams. But is this possible in our world? If we have wings, does it really mean that we should just start flying?

I don’t think so. Not because I lack wings. But because I think walking is important . Most of us are well off . Some of us are even well of to leave what we are doing and follow our dreams. But these will not be our wings , these are the artificial wings that y\we have been provided because our ancestors have wallked all their life. And high chances that we wouldn’t understand where we are flying to? Have a look at Rohan Gavaskar . With the artifical waxed wings gifted to us by our parents,We might set aim too low and end up wetting the feathers of our wings, or try to fly high enough that the wax melts. Either case we fall hard , maybe hard enough that we even loose the ability to walk.

Even the birds that fly, spend time walking behind their mothers. What I am trying to say here is that walking is important(though I hate it). Unless we walk we won’t understand pleasure of flying. And walking can be fun if you have good company. So it’s always worth to give walking a try. Specially if you have a phone(Walk and Talk, Wt an IDEA gogi?)

As the world is advancing, the walk is becoming more difficult, pushing the flight further away. Earlier people use to study till 10th , now till 12th before choosing their career. Soon a time will come that B.E , Btech ,BBA will become minimum criteria for any job . This is why it’s important for us to realize that we need to work harder before we start dreaming for anything. We need to walk to a secure place before we attempt to take a leap. So that even if we fall , we have something to hang on to. And that something is not someone else. This secure place can’t be reached by flying , and it is important to reach this place because without this security, you cannot afford to fly either alone or with your loved ones. The only way to this place is by taking a long and hard walk.

It is important to walk , and this is the reason why you shouldn’t start flying immediately , even if you have wings. Wait for the wings to grow. Work hard , be patient and walk carefully and steadily till you are ready to spread your wings, till you are confident to take that flight. And than you FLY. Fly away to glory. Because once your ready, the world will be yours.

I am Fat :'(

‘You’re a panda! He’s a panda! What u gonna do big guy? Sit on me?’ . I hope everyone remembers this line as well as me. Said by Tai Lung to cute Po , when he realized that Po was the Dragon Warrior. Well what happened next was just what lung asked for. Po did sit on him before giving the Wushi Finger hold. So the real question here is , did being fat ever come in the way of Po’s greatness.

Here , there and everywhere, people I know are majorly concerned about how fat they have become(most of these people aren‘t really fat). Being fat has it’s own advantages. Look at Po , he got trained into being a hero just because of his need for food. So why are people so concerned that they are becoming fat? It’s not that u won’t get clothes of your size.

Some people might reason that chicks don’t dig fat guys or vice versa. Well , all I have to say love is blind and knows no bar. Like personally I like big butts and I don’t know y? Like look at our own Mota , he’s doing brilliantly. An epic love story of shrek is good enough to show that I babe like Fiona can fall for an fat ogre.

Infact I think fat people who have made peace with the fact that they are fat are much better off than thin ones. What better example than our own Vijay Malya, he’s fat, drinks beer has awesome cheerleaders and is enjoying his life to fullest. Hugh hefner isn’t really what you would call thin but world’s sexiest babes( the babes you and I would die for) are with him. John Travolta , name one girl who doesn’t think he’s sexy.

Well people might say fat people don’t go well with sports. Arjuna Ranatunga did win the world cup for sri lanka. In WWE when it was decided to publicize a love machine , instead of going for a thin Macho wrestler , they picked a 485 pound Viscera. Ramesh Powar did play for India ( this doesn’t really support anything but still).

All this shows that being fat isn’t really against you . And specially those people who just gain a little weight and start crying over it ,read carefully “ IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL” and you definitely don’t need to stop eating or continue cribbing about it. It’s not as if , if u start dieting you will end up with a 6 packs. A general trend shows people who are fat don’t really care( Mota, Tauro) and people who aren’t keep crying about it(Yangi, etc.). You would rather eat a fat sub rather than a skimpy burger, wouldn’t you.

So please stop worrying that you are fat, and as long as it’s tasty eat what you get or what you like , irrespective of whether it’s fattening or not, because you never know what the future holds for you. One day , you are sitting at home crying that there is no chicken for dinner and next day you’re in Chennai wondering what are going to eat for the next meal? Another dosa? Oh leave it, what choice do i have? “Anna 1 dosa aur 1 omlette”.

Ps: not meant for people with BMI above 28 . You People need exercise.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Going With The Flow.....

After a disastrous venture to an Italian resturant , me and my office mates decided to walk down the beach. A moonlit night and in a beach filled with couples, five of us walked like happy and honorable members of “L samaj” (almost same as DLC). As we closed in on the sea , we noticed crabs. Huge ones( the size that you would definitely want to cook and eat), waiting for the waves. They scuttled around the waves as if waiting for something. They kept moving from one side to another till a particular big wave came . With a smooth motion when the wave retreated ,it took along the crabs with it. The crabs having to put no efforts at all.

There’s a lot to be learnt from the crabs. What they exibit is epitome of patience. The importance of waiting for the right opportunity. Waves of different magnitude come and go. Different crabs wait for waves of different strength that suits them. Sooner or later, they come across the one that suits them the best. And this wave becomes the key to their success. It’s not just the crabs that show patience and move with a flow. Any predator waits for the right moment to get their prey. Cheetah has only 200 meters to catch it’s prey , and no matter if it’s the fastest animal , unless he times his attack to perfection ,it’ll have to go hungry.

Non dota players and non naruto fans can skip this paragraph.

Even faceless void needs to know when to use chronosphere or he will end up doing more damage to his own team rather than opponents. Unlike sasuke , Itachi was more skilled because he knew when to use Susano. Itachi’s battles flowed smoothly because he had patience, which gave him ability to use his abilities to a maximum. Consider Naruto , as the series grew and he became stronger, he slowly changed from a hyperactive knucklehead to someone who had patience to monitor his opponents move, and thus succeeding in becoming one of the strongest characters.Who can forget shikamaru or byakuya, unperturbed by the situation, going with the flow of battle and finding a way to victory by waiting for the right moment.

But being patient does not mean ,doing nothing apart from waiting for the good luck to kick in. In that case, it’s going to be a very long wait . Even the crabs kept scurrying around waiting for the big wave to kick in. The cheetah lies low and slowly moves to good place before attack. Void needs to wind walk at a perfect place for chronosphere.
What I am trying to say is ,u cannot be still and hope to be swept by the flow of good luck. You have to keep moving and match frequency(clear your minds you perverts)of your motion with the flow of opportunity and only than will you find your lady luck lending you a helping hand. It’s important to know when to act but that doesn’t mean that till you find an opportunity to suit you, you shut yourself from the world and start praying. This is true in everything you do , be it hitting on a girl or trying to get a job or even clearing an exam.

So don’t spend time lazying around . Keep moving , keep fooling around and keep your frequency high. So when time comes , you can match the flow and take control of your luck. Take everything in your stride because you never know which tide will take u to the deep blue sea. (It is advisable not to go to the beach alone if you don’t know how to swim)

The Red Connection

Life is all about building relations and storing memories. Some memories are happy whereas others not so happy. Some incidents stick in the heads of people, while others are comfortably forgotten . Same goes for colors . People tend to remember some colors more than others. Of these red is the color that sticks in the head for the longest time. In fact, it is one of the most fascinating colors ,and also most ironical color.

Red is the color of heart , the symbol of love. On eve of Valentine’s day the whole world shines in red. Anyone whose ever been in love will definitely know the significance of red rose(especially the ones who have helped me pluck roses from rose garden). Red cross for world health. Red ribbon for anti aids . Red is the feeling of warmth. Even Blood orchids , the mythical flowers which give eternal life are supposedly red.

The same red color is the sign of immense danger. It represents gore. Gamers will understand this more than others , because in any game shooting down zombies with red blood gives more satisfaction than killing zombies with blood of other color(House of Death). “Ring ring ringaaa….” Well we are all very familiar with the red light districts and I do hope none of us have memories from there. In fact our beloved satan is symbolized by red color.

Let’s move slightly apart , into comic world. Magneto , Spiderman , Flash all are dressed in red. No one can forget the red underwear Superman wears. In fact the strongest abilities in any anime is shown by red . The sharingan, Tsukoyumi, susano , senbonzakura . This shows that red signifies power and ability to lead. Even our own Indian superhero Shaktiman(fck fck fck fck fck ) is dressed in red. On contrary even vampires have red eyes and so do people with conjunctivitis.

What is amazing is to see that apart from the facts above , if we look back on our lives ,even we intend to remember the color red more significantly when compared to any other color. I doubt anyone whose seen a chicken being chopped off will ever forget it. Or anyone, whose ever given a red rose, irrespective of it being accepted or not will forget the incident. Anyone can forget bolt , but I doubt sharad ever will . After all he did see red blood, courtesy bolt . How many people remember the umbrella you carry?? Ask nupur , she will remember the “Khooni chata” she had , not coz it was pink but because the two of us got cuts in our fingers while doing the same thing with it , that too within an interval of 15 minutes. I doubt harsh will ever forget the night when he went home at one and told his dad that I had cut my leg into two halves and was bleeding(to death). There are people at an age of 22,who still can’t watch movies with blood in it because it gets stuck to their head and they keep getting disgusted by it.(I will not disclose names here).

One color that joins us all, friend ,foes or even family is red. One color that maps the extremes in life. Red marks joy in our life, brings love to us and the same red shows pain and danger. If we avoid the red connection , I guess half our happiness and half sorrows will be gone. Why live a halflife? Embrace red (does not mean you skip a red light tomorrow) and enjoy what it brings with it.

Ps: I forgot tomato ketchup, sorry mota.

Superman can save the world.... Or Not.

Superman , the most awesome and fascinating of all the superheroes. Dressed in blue with an awesome red underwear. Flying around the places using super strength, x-ray vision and heat vision to save the day. Almost all will argue that world needs someone like him to save the day. But his very powers are the reason why he would fail to succeed in saving the real world.

Let’s start with the dress. In particular the “ Red underwear ”. If an icon like the superman would flaunt his red underwear to the world, sooner or later it is bound to become a fad. This will cause excessive sales of red underwear. resulting in two things. One, Wastage of old underwear and two, race among different companies to sign superman for their ads trying to prove that their product is the best.

If you consider the first result , wastage of underwear will lead to pollution, and since world will be looking up to superman for a solution ,the easiest solution for him will be to burn down the wasted underwear by heat vision. This in turn will lead to global warming , one of the major reasons stated as the cause of destruction of Earth.

The second case, where companies will endorse superman , time constraint will kick in for the poor superhero ,where he’ll have to manage time between fan mail, doing ads and of course spending time with the love of his life(all heroes have a secret love life with exception of uchiha itachi). With so many responsibilities , where is a poor guy supposed to find time for saving the world???

Apart from this , the intelligence level of the world has improved a lot. I doubt there will be anyone(smaran being exception) dumb enough not to distinguish between Clark kent and superman. This will create major integrity issues because no one will ever want their girls to spend time with Superman. Who knows when the mind of the great hero will get perverted, after all he does have x ray vision. Whereas females will definitely take this as an abuse to right to equality, and revolt against men. Forcing a new age war between men and women. And obviously men would loose, because no matter how strong a man is there will be a female he will fall weak against(for reference read story of Samsung and Delilah). And also superman, no matter a superhero or not, will support females. After all they are fighting for him.and who would want females against him. And it will be the end of world as we know.

So all I can conclude is ,if superman actually existed ,he would hasten the end of the world rather than preventing it. All I can say is we are doing such a good job destroying the world ourselves that we don’t really need help of superman to do it.
And of course we can all be superman . All we need to do is smoke and fly or try to miss the ground accidently, while falling!!!

The Man The Machine The MOFO...

For some1 who inspired me to write


5 Years now, and perhaps one of the most talented guy I have met, Sweet ,considerate and amazingly popular with girls (specially the once who have D in der names ) . A guy whose always there for friends , be it partying or in misery. An irreplaceable part of most of our(HIVian) lives. The man practically has an over sized brain which comes up with most brilliant IDEAS (especially under effects of some extra ingrediants ). Fierce enough to scare the likes of people like CJ and Mota wheras soft enough to keep audi in his room , even when she kept crying in his room whole night.(audi := ‘ first dog owned by HIV 2k5 ‘) . Bold enough to watch his first love(jyoti: yet another dog) go through immense trauma outside his own room. Kind enough to accept flowers from D(dunno which 1) even though it was pollen season and he ended up in hospital spoiling our nights. Brave enough to face the mallu nurse in Apollo who made him strip in order to give him injection and than to treat us for it with CTBM even though bird flu scare was on.


When talent is considered he’s unmatched. Let me start of with dancing. Flexibility that makes you feel that the person literally has no bones in the body. Theres nothing much to say about dancing because those who know him have seen him dance, and those who havent seen him dance won’t understand until they see him . Sports , I doubt ,jay will ever forget to call him for puchka , specially after getting hit for a 6 that landed on the road. And I still can’t forget the night before BEE where we(me chams J and ) spent entire night playing TT. A ligament tear(courtesy J) never stopped him from doing anything he was good at be it dancing or playing.

THE MO***** F*****

A sinner, watching videos(and not the music ones) in mota’s room b4 every midsem. Luring everyone to give him company . And than clearing all his papers . Or getting people to dance on tarzan and jane just before m3 and getting caught by chota chatri(R.K. Narayan J’s favourite prof.) Coming up with brilliant ideas to rag juniors(like writing down a full newspaper). Or using Chams deo to create fire . The brilliant song ‘ In the end -the smaran version’.I doubt anyone can forget the mood swings. Or the m2 midsem where he literally ripped his room apart. When it comes down to ditching, he can almost compete with the likes of J.Still remember the room change, or the time when he skipped the parties. Almost ditched the full batch to catch a glimpse of D (b4 puri trip).and the latest, not showing up for the convocation. I doubt he realizes people miss him and will always do , even if he starts ignoring them.
