Saturday, April 3, 2010

If i have wings, why should i walk?

A penguin might ask this to it’s mother just after being born. I guess the mother would explain there wings are for swimming. Also since penguins generally don’t meet any other birds apart from arctic tern , I doubt little penguins have a lot to compare. Chicken on the other hand teaches it’s chicks to fly,but just little. Ostrich might explain that flying is for birds that are small and cannot protect themselves. But i doubt this a question asked by birds.

Once upon a time , there was an inventor named Dedalus (designed labyrinth ). He was imprisoned when Thesus escaped from the maze. Dedalus designed waxed wings for his son and himself to fly and escape from the prison. During the escape the naïve son, Icarus decided to enjoy the flight and flew high, as he reached closer to sun the wax melted and Icarus fell . A similar story in hindu mythology is is about Jatayu(vulture who tried to save sita when Ravan was abducting her) and his brother. The brothers used to have competition to see ,who could fly higher. Once Jatayu ended to close to sun , but the elder brother covered him using his own wings , in process burning his own wings and living flightless for rest of his life.

All of us have different talents. Talents which we once thought will make us the star of the world. We dreamt to be the best. But yet , most of us ended up choosing a path no way related to our talents. 3 Idiots displayed brilliantly that if you have a talent , you should follow a career which is related to that talent and you would meet success. The Alchemist, is a story about a man leaving everything and following his dreams. But is this possible in our world? If we have wings, does it really mean that we should just start flying?

I don’t think so. Not because I lack wings. But because I think walking is important . Most of us are well off . Some of us are even well of to leave what we are doing and follow our dreams. But these will not be our wings , these are the artificial wings that y\we have been provided because our ancestors have wallked all their life. And high chances that we wouldn’t understand where we are flying to? Have a look at Rohan Gavaskar . With the artifical waxed wings gifted to us by our parents,We might set aim too low and end up wetting the feathers of our wings, or try to fly high enough that the wax melts. Either case we fall hard , maybe hard enough that we even loose the ability to walk.

Even the birds that fly, spend time walking behind their mothers. What I am trying to say here is that walking is important(though I hate it). Unless we walk we won’t understand pleasure of flying. And walking can be fun if you have good company. So it’s always worth to give walking a try. Specially if you have a phone(Walk and Talk, Wt an IDEA gogi?)

As the world is advancing, the walk is becoming more difficult, pushing the flight further away. Earlier people use to study till 10th , now till 12th before choosing their career. Soon a time will come that B.E , Btech ,BBA will become minimum criteria for any job . This is why it’s important for us to realize that we need to work harder before we start dreaming for anything. We need to walk to a secure place before we attempt to take a leap. So that even if we fall , we have something to hang on to. And that something is not someone else. This secure place can’t be reached by flying , and it is important to reach this place because without this security, you cannot afford to fly either alone or with your loved ones. The only way to this place is by taking a long and hard walk.

It is important to walk , and this is the reason why you shouldn’t start flying immediately , even if you have wings. Wait for the wings to grow. Work hard , be patient and walk carefully and steadily till you are ready to spread your wings, till you are confident to take that flight. And than you FLY. Fly away to glory. Because once your ready, the world will be yours.

1 comment:

  1. so my friend, a blog finally...gud 2 c u being a blogger n al...keep going man...

