Friday, April 2, 2010

Superman can save the world.... Or Not.

Superman , the most awesome and fascinating of all the superheroes. Dressed in blue with an awesome red underwear. Flying around the places using super strength, x-ray vision and heat vision to save the day. Almost all will argue that world needs someone like him to save the day. But his very powers are the reason why he would fail to succeed in saving the real world.

Let’s start with the dress. In particular the “ Red underwear ”. If an icon like the superman would flaunt his red underwear to the world, sooner or later it is bound to become a fad. This will cause excessive sales of red underwear. resulting in two things. One, Wastage of old underwear and two, race among different companies to sign superman for their ads trying to prove that their product is the best.

If you consider the first result , wastage of underwear will lead to pollution, and since world will be looking up to superman for a solution ,the easiest solution for him will be to burn down the wasted underwear by heat vision. This in turn will lead to global warming , one of the major reasons stated as the cause of destruction of Earth.

The second case, where companies will endorse superman , time constraint will kick in for the poor superhero ,where he’ll have to manage time between fan mail, doing ads and of course spending time with the love of his life(all heroes have a secret love life with exception of uchiha itachi). With so many responsibilities , where is a poor guy supposed to find time for saving the world???

Apart from this , the intelligence level of the world has improved a lot. I doubt there will be anyone(smaran being exception) dumb enough not to distinguish between Clark kent and superman. This will create major integrity issues because no one will ever want their girls to spend time with Superman. Who knows when the mind of the great hero will get perverted, after all he does have x ray vision. Whereas females will definitely take this as an abuse to right to equality, and revolt against men. Forcing a new age war between men and women. And obviously men would loose, because no matter how strong a man is there will be a female he will fall weak against(for reference read story of Samsung and Delilah). And also superman, no matter a superhero or not, will support females. After all they are fighting for him.and who would want females against him. And it will be the end of world as we know.

So all I can conclude is ,if superman actually existed ,he would hasten the end of the world rather than preventing it. All I can say is we are doing such a good job destroying the world ourselves that we don’t really need help of superman to do it.
And of course we can all be superman . All we need to do is smoke and fly or try to miss the ground accidently, while falling!!!

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