Friday, May 21, 2010

Supple's Nitty Gritty...........2 (750)

The waiter approached. "Would you like to see the menu?" he said, "or would you like to meet the Dish of the Day?" "Huh?" said Ford. "Huh?" said Arthur. "Huh?" said Trillian. "That's cool," said Zaphod, "we'll meet the meat."
"Resturant at the end of universe" came up with the solution to the debate of "killing of animals for meat" by growing an animal that wanted to be eaten.

Unfortunately in our world, this has not yet been possible, so here goes.....

According to food habits, humans can be broadly classified into two categories- Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian. Vegetarians are the people who believe in eating only plants and plant products , whereas non vegetarians ,they eat anything they get. But there has always been a conflict between these two categories though not very large in scale but still good enough to let a jobless person like me give it a thought. Reason of conflict, well if I am to summarize it, I would say “Non vegetarians (the ones I know) don’t see anything wrong in eating whatever they get and believe that vegetarians are missing something brilliant in life by not eating ‘CHICKEN’ and so begins their conquest to encourage the vegetarians to start eating ‘CHICKEN’, whereas vegetarians (not all of them) believe that they are right in eating only plants, not hurting animals, and some of them have even tried to convert non vegetarian to veggies.

Generally, live and let live should be followed but at times people just can’t help interfering. So here are some facts for my vegetarian friends who think eating non veg. is a sin.

Let’s start from the beginning of time. When human’s came into existence, they started off as vegetarians. Roaming from place to place, gathering food. It was not an easy task and required lot of time and effort. Also in off-seasons, they had to move locations in order for search of food. And then they learnt hunting. Hunting and gathering together brought stability to their existence.Realizing that river banks provided nice hunting grounds ,as the animals came to drink water and also abundance of fishes in river, they slowly moved towards rivers and settled there. And that is where the first civilizations began. If they had not converted to non vegetarians they would not have been interested in animals, and thus never understood the difference between animals that could be tamed and beasts that had to be eliminated. So eating meat, had its contribution to bringing about civilization.

For eating meat being a sin, we would have to believe GOD does exist and humans were created by him. Well if you believe that full thing to be true than I would like to bring to your notice the structure of human jaw. Well, we have been given a pair of canine teeth which is generally absent in all herbivorous animals. If God meant us to be vegetarian, why did he give us a set of teeth that would have no use while eating plants? And if God doesn’t exist, the whole discussion is a waste because than there would be no concept of sin.

Now as far as the fact that vegetarians love animal more than non vegetarians, there could not have been a bigger misconception. Just because you don’t eat something, doesn’t mean you love them. Its’ definitely a lie if every vegetarian claims that they don’t eat meat because they like animals. How many people actually give a shelter to a dog, and moreover how many have actually kept a pet, that to a hen or a cock. Veggies claim that they don’t like hurting animals, well it has been scientifically proven that even plants are living, What about their feelings. Where does all the love for living go when you break fruits from the trees, or pull off full plants (killing them.) How come killing an animal is heartless but killing a plant is OK? And just for the record plants provide us with oxygen, greenery and shelter. I would like people to name advantages of having a flock of chicken running in your garden? From where I see it, by eating plants, not only are the veggies killing them but they are also slowly destroying the planet.

All said and done, “Most vegetarians are not the people who love animals, They are the ones who hate plants.

Ps: Save the world , Buy Your own KFC Meal tonight :P

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