Friday, May 14, 2010

Change Change, Come again !!!!!! (360)

There once was a time in past
When we sat in canteen and had a blast
Slightly hungry, if we would ever be
Solution was always Chawla or Jungli.
Those were the times we prayed
“Everyday should remain the same
Our sweet life must never change”

Never forgotten will be the charm of LAN
CS, Dota and CS again
Day in and day out time we would waste
Downloading stuff and running to kill with haste.
Shooting each-other and abusing in volume high,
We would pray once again to thy
“Everyday should remain the same
Our sweet life must never change”

Memorable were the hostel events,
Be it Kamshad, Hiv, the super sixes.
Ragging was always fun
KLPD was like chicken steak on a bun
EVS lab and nightlong argument
On topics that weren’t even remotely relevant
Done finally with all the work ,when we would be
Sitting together, we would again plead
“Everyday should remain same
Our sweet life should never change”

Countless, are the number of night
When, High was the state of everyone in sight
Listening to music and shouting so loud
That made, even a few of us look like a crowd
Though drunk, we once again prayed
“Everyday should remain the same
Our sweet life must never change”

And then, one day the exams came
Brought troubles that made our prayers change
Through day and night we had to slog
And to save time mess food we would hog
Still after every exam unsure of results when we would be
Meet each other and we would plead
“Every F***ing day’s the same
When will our life change?”

Of the many prayers, the one that got an answer
Caused the change and made us falter
We were thrown to different parts of the nation
Forcing us to be filled with frustration
Not knowing if each-other we would ever see
Accepting that all of us together, might never again be
Now we work hard day and night
Pleasure time has been reduced out of sight
Time forces us to wonder once more
"Every day’s the same
When will the stupid change come again?”

1 comment:

  1. abt d blog: god supple too colorful, evrythin duznt ve to luk lik ur room u kno!!!
    abt d note: awwwww. irony n al! "sweeet"

