Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dead Man Walking.......

Happy B’day :)

One fine day , Long long time ago, I met a boy with a long name, living in room no. 6 of in hostel no. 4 in a place called BIT Mesra. Long name generally isn’t a problem, but for us it was. Specially, since we were supposed to remember the spelling, and it was one messed up name in that regard. The boy did have brains and was hardworking, this made him quite different with the breed of people he had ended up with. His wits were on display everywhere, especially in ragging sessions where he generally never used to get any facts wrong except for the legendary “CALL OFF NIGHT” where poor guy didn’t get single fact right.

Watching him study for first mid-sems, I realised two things.

1. This guy is going to be one of the highest scorers in the batch
2. He has some major maths issues.

One thing about raging is, if you get a nick name by seniors, it’s going to stick for a long time. Well the boy always had a dead man expression, as if he was about to choke slam the person in front and asking a senior to read between the lines did not help his cause. And so he was named UNDERTAKER and, boy, would he have been glad if that nick name didn’t change to what it became.

Given a choice, I doubt he would have ever kept me in his team. But we ended together , first in Kamshad( well it was a 2k5 batch team) , HIV( Sharad , Shrikar, Mota, Boy, Jess, me and we did have a draw with the best 2k2 team) and finaly after several ditching incidents, Genesis(The Boy, Jay, me). Kamshad , I still have a video of him charging with Shrikar to the umpire, asking to give bibek out ‘hitwicket’ on a no ball. In genesis we had our moments especially Spin a yarn:-

( I looked down and I realized I forgot to wear pants, after spending all brains and building a nice humorous story together , the star of our story reached ED lab where once again he was stripped thanks to The undertaker)

KLPD night, the boy missed the big announcement by 2 minutes. When he reached the dreaded 2k2 lobby, everyone was standing in a line and he was smirking. Well he ended up encountering a pissed of mandy .

Soon after the raging got over, the nickname changed, courtesy mota I guess, first to Undeshwari and than modified further to the Great

...................................UNDI ..................................

Undi never had a problem with his nickname though, atleast I never heard him cribbing about it, or even if I did, we were a good batch, we ignored such trivial issues.

So Undi as we know him today had travelled from Sidhartha Maheshwari to Undi.Undi was always very focused , the man with a plan, hard working as hell. But this did not prove him to be a innocent little maru. When it came down to pranks(Haraamipan as some like to call it) Undi was no less than a pro.An active member of the EVS lab with full attendance, his greatest venture according to me was flicking of shrikar’s laptop (with a minor flaw of him leaving his slippers behind because mota lost the track of the plan while feasting on chocolate coins). He was a member of band of chocolate raiders.

Not only did he team up to play brilliant pranks , but he used to take pranks well even when played on him or in some cases played on someone else and him taking a blow.

Once we had a pile on on his bed. It was more than a pile on , but i don't have the words to describe it. All i remember is that shard was down adn Sujith was a t the top with a lot of other people sandwiched between. We broke Undi's bed , while he was preparing for end sem. He never blamed anyone.

A call at 2 in the night today(because I would have forgotten to wish him tomorrow) reminded me of a certain routine we shared. We used to study in different rooms, we used to study in different ways, and we used to take breaks at different times. But one thing was common , whenever we used to take a break , we would go to the other person’s room and disturb him. May be only for 5 minutes , or maybe, if discussion became interesting for longer. Not to forget that every night during exams, he could be found in mota’s room, waiting for hot Maggi.

Undeshwari was always very talented. Brilliant at G.K and equally good at English. Full of confidence. A Tnp member( I am sitting in Wipro office and I do give him credits for it). Super hardworking , coming second maybe only to Smaran.(I may feel this because we always heard smaran studying,whereas for undi we had to see to realize that he’s studying).He was a maru, vey particular about money transactions. But he did take over 2 years to return my Rs 450 because i was too lazy to go and ask for it and he was too lazy to come and give it.(Money was finally returned when i owed Jay cash and he widrew it from Undi's account without Undi's knowledge).

P.s : I am so sure once he’s done reading this , he would say ‘Haaaiinnnn’ ( I dunno how to spell it but I expect 2k5 people to remember this sound.)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Supple's Nitty Gritty...........2 (750)

The waiter approached. "Would you like to see the menu?" he said, "or would you like to meet the Dish of the Day?" "Huh?" said Ford. "Huh?" said Arthur. "Huh?" said Trillian. "That's cool," said Zaphod, "we'll meet the meat."
"Resturant at the end of universe" came up with the solution to the debate of "killing of animals for meat" by growing an animal that wanted to be eaten.

Unfortunately in our world, this has not yet been possible, so here goes.....

According to food habits, humans can be broadly classified into two categories- Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian. Vegetarians are the people who believe in eating only plants and plant products , whereas non vegetarians ,they eat anything they get. But there has always been a conflict between these two categories though not very large in scale but still good enough to let a jobless person like me give it a thought. Reason of conflict, well if I am to summarize it, I would say “Non vegetarians (the ones I know) don’t see anything wrong in eating whatever they get and believe that vegetarians are missing something brilliant in life by not eating ‘CHICKEN’ and so begins their conquest to encourage the vegetarians to start eating ‘CHICKEN’, whereas vegetarians (not all of them) believe that they are right in eating only plants, not hurting animals, and some of them have even tried to convert non vegetarian to veggies.

Generally, live and let live should be followed but at times people just can’t help interfering. So here are some facts for my vegetarian friends who think eating non veg. is a sin.

Let’s start from the beginning of time. When human’s came into existence, they started off as vegetarians. Roaming from place to place, gathering food. It was not an easy task and required lot of time and effort. Also in off-seasons, they had to move locations in order for search of food. And then they learnt hunting. Hunting and gathering together brought stability to their existence.Realizing that river banks provided nice hunting grounds ,as the animals came to drink water and also abundance of fishes in river, they slowly moved towards rivers and settled there. And that is where the first civilizations began. If they had not converted to non vegetarians they would not have been interested in animals, and thus never understood the difference between animals that could be tamed and beasts that had to be eliminated. So eating meat, had its contribution to bringing about civilization.

For eating meat being a sin, we would have to believe GOD does exist and humans were created by him. Well if you believe that full thing to be true than I would like to bring to your notice the structure of human jaw. Well, we have been given a pair of canine teeth which is generally absent in all herbivorous animals. If God meant us to be vegetarian, why did he give us a set of teeth that would have no use while eating plants? And if God doesn’t exist, the whole discussion is a waste because than there would be no concept of sin.

Now as far as the fact that vegetarians love animal more than non vegetarians, there could not have been a bigger misconception. Just because you don’t eat something, doesn’t mean you love them. Its’ definitely a lie if every vegetarian claims that they don’t eat meat because they like animals. How many people actually give a shelter to a dog, and moreover how many have actually kept a pet, that to a hen or a cock. Veggies claim that they don’t like hurting animals, well it has been scientifically proven that even plants are living, What about their feelings. Where does all the love for living go when you break fruits from the trees, or pull off full plants (killing them.) How come killing an animal is heartless but killing a plant is OK? And just for the record plants provide us with oxygen, greenery and shelter. I would like people to name advantages of having a flock of chicken running in your garden? From where I see it, by eating plants, not only are the veggies killing them but they are also slowly destroying the planet.

All said and done, “Most vegetarians are not the people who love animals, They are the ones who hate plants.

Ps: Save the world , Buy Your own KFC Meal tonight :P

Friday, May 14, 2010

Change Change, Come again !!!!!! (360)

There once was a time in past
When we sat in canteen and had a blast
Slightly hungry, if we would ever be
Solution was always Chawla or Jungli.
Those were the times we prayed
“Everyday should remain the same
Our sweet life must never change”

Never forgotten will be the charm of LAN
CS, Dota and CS again
Day in and day out time we would waste
Downloading stuff and running to kill with haste.
Shooting each-other and abusing in volume high,
We would pray once again to thy
“Everyday should remain the same
Our sweet life must never change”

Memorable were the hostel events,
Be it Kamshad, Hiv, the super sixes.
Ragging was always fun
KLPD was like chicken steak on a bun
EVS lab and nightlong argument
On topics that weren’t even remotely relevant
Done finally with all the work ,when we would be
Sitting together, we would again plead
“Everyday should remain same
Our sweet life should never change”

Countless, are the number of night
When, High was the state of everyone in sight
Listening to music and shouting so loud
That made, even a few of us look like a crowd
Though drunk, we once again prayed
“Everyday should remain the same
Our sweet life must never change”

And then, one day the exams came
Brought troubles that made our prayers change
Through day and night we had to slog
And to save time mess food we would hog
Still after every exam unsure of results when we would be
Meet each other and we would plead
“Every F***ing day’s the same
When will our life change?”

Of the many prayers, the one that got an answer
Caused the change and made us falter
We were thrown to different parts of the nation
Forcing us to be filled with frustration
Not knowing if each-other we would ever see
Accepting that all of us together, might never again be
Now we work hard day and night
Pleasure time has been reduced out of sight
Time forces us to wonder once more
"Every day’s the same
When will the stupid change come again?”

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Supple's Nitty-Gritty......1 (711)

How many times we have seen each other exclaim, ‘I have become so fat’. Recently Mohit’s status stated that he gained hell lot of weight when he was at home. Most of us gain weight at an incredible rate when we are at home. Even though, we might be eating the same regular meal that we always eat. Sitting in office today, utterly jobless that I am, I was wondering why this bizarre phenomenon occurs?

A lot of things come up, whenever we discuss gain of weight at home. Apparently food is good, so we end up eating more is one of the prime reasons, which is always stated. But think of it, even at home you do not overeat at every meal. You eat till you are full and same thing you did in college. In fact while in college, you ended up eating way unhealthier food than what you get at home. Still it is at home that you gain weight, and not in college (certain exceptions always occur). You might say that it is because the food is cooked in ghee, but how often is that the case?

In my four years of stay in B.I.T, I gained around 2 kg of weight. And six month since, at home, I gained another 4 kg. And in my 2 month stay in Chennai I gained an awful 6 kg.

This got me wondering what was different in my BIT stay as compared to my stay in other places. In Chennai I was not getting home food, the food was same as college, I was regularly playing basketball and walking (exercising and sweating) way more than what I do, either at home or in college. Yet I ended up gaining more weight as compared to either home or college.

From above I concluded, it was not the physical exercise that had been controlling my weight in college, nor was it because the type of food I got. There was something else, something different, and something that everyone had overlooked over the years.

And than it sunk in, the only difference between my habits in Chennai and college were, in Chennai I used to order my own food and eat it from my plate. Whereas, in college, hardly did I ever order food. Sharing was my motto. And I always used to eat from other people’s plate. In order to name the people on whose food I have lived my college life, I will need a whole new blog. It would start from Ravs, Mota & 2k5 rise upto Akku , Amit in 2k2 and slope down to Akash , Tauroski in 2k7.

In college it had become a second nature for most of us to see food in other’s plate and consider it our own. There were always people who ordered their own food. And these people somehow gained more weight than compared to others.

From this I conclude a fact: Your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from another person's plate. This indeed means that if you keep eating from what other people order, you will not grow fat.

Even during school days, students who share their tiffin and don't eat their own are generally thinner as compared to children who just eat only their own tiffin.(Mota is an exception here, he used to share tiffin but ate major part of all the tiffins that existed in class including his own.)Any other exceptions in the school days that occur , maybe because the children have only 1 meal in school to share and rest at their home, which cannot be shared forcing them to eat from their own plate.

I will give yet another example to back this fact. Ever wondered why most girls are thin when they are going out and become fat when they are single? Or why they gain weight at a lesser pace when they are in a committed relationship? And why for guys, weight doesn’t really depend on any such factor?

Think about it!!!

P.s : People with increased metabolism rate like Sharad, Gogin are exceptions to this theory.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Double Teaching !!! (847)

There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. Suddenly he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!"

The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill.

Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away.

When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!"

But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.

Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!"

But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.

At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping.

"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?"

An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.

"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

The moral of the story is very obvious, You should not lie. This is the moral that we were taught by our parents, they were taught by theirs, and so on.

But if only a part of story is considered i doubt it can be fully appreciated. The story has another teaching.

Let us look at the story from the wolf's view.

There once lived a she wolf with tiny little cubs. As little cubs grew, she wanted to teach them to hunt. The young wolves had learnt how to hunt down smaller animals like rats. But they were always edgy. Wanted to be fast while hunting.Just to show off to others that they are the best hunters. Their recklessnes often caused them to get hurt as well as allowing the prey to run away.

As the wolf grew old she grew worried about habits of the cubs. So one day she said "Ccome children, i will teach you how to hunt a sheep".

Children got excited but exclaimed," Mother, you said it was dangerous to go near humans and their pets".

She replied "Don't worry, I'll be there".

So on a fine day mother wolf and cubs went to hunt a Sheep. The shepeard boy was there. Mother wolf just walked in front and showed herself. The boy saw her and screamed "wolf,wolf" . But by the time villagers could run up the hill, she hid .

That night cubs were dissapointed. They thought their strong mother was actually scared. Meanwhile in village the villagers scolded the boy for lying.

Next day, again the mother and the cubs went on a sheep hunt. Again the mother repeated the same thing.

And the next day, and next. This continued for a while.

Soon the cubs grew impatient. They told their mother they would rather hunt and live by eating rats, than to see her fail everyday.

But the mother was calm as ever. She requested them to accompany her for one more time.

The next day, she again came out of hiding and the boy shouted again, but as we know no one came for help. To the surprise of the young wolves, who thought their mother will yet again be scared and go back to hiding , the mother wolf moved easily and hunted down the sheeps who had no protection. Following her lead, even the younger wolves devoured the helpless sheeps without any resistance.

That night after the best meal they ever had, the mother explained

"Today you are strong and fast,
so you kill prey that aren't so vast.
Though i pray for thee
strong forever you will never be
Understand this
Difference exists
between hunting by might
to satisfy your pride
and hunting by wit
where you will never take a hit
Smart and patient if you will be
mightier foes will for thee.
knowing the right time to strike is the key
to fill the stomach that's empty "

In short terms the story teaches you to be patient and wait for the right oppurtunity.

P.s : In the second para of the story the boy did not laugh because he had fooled the villagers,but he laughed at the wolf who he thought had been outwitted and scared by him.
